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MIT GSU-UE Bargaining Survey

In the coming months, we – the MIT GSU-UE – will bargain for our first contract with the MIT administration. Our bargaining priorities will be decided democratically, so it is important that everybody makes their voice heard through this bargaining survey. Mass, active participation in our union efforts is the key to us winning a strong contract.

This first section will ask some questions about your background and contact information, so we can stay in touch and continue to build an inclusive, all-encompassing movement.

Estimated survey completion time: 5 minutes

Data/Privacy Policy

First Name *

Last Name *

MIT email *

Phone number *

Department *

Appointment status. This upcoming fall semester I expect to be funded through: *

Select all that apply.

Work status. Are you an international student (F-1 or J-1 visa status)? *

Housing status. I currently live: *

Dependents. Are you financially responsible for any dependents (e.g., children or relatives)? *

Is there any additional information about your identity that you would like to add as part of your bargaining survey response?

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